Saturday, August 27, 2011

The sky is falling, the sky is falling...wolf, wolf wolf...Terror

Category 1 Hurricane #Irene has sustained winds of 85 miles per hour, according to 11 a.m. ET Hurricane Center advisory 

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says Hurricane #Irene still dangerous, people need to take it seriously 

Breaking News - Man feeding livestock in North Carolina crushed by tree limb during Hurricane #Irene,emergency official says NRC inspectors head to nuclear power plants in path of Irene
By the CNN Wire Staff

Public transportation is taking a hit: Transit systems in New York City, Philadelphia and New Jersey will shut down on Saturday.

Greyhound has canceled or delayed a number of routes because of the storm.

Roads are expected to be clogged with people heading away from Irene's path, and many tourists enjoying the still-beautiful weather on some Northeast beaches have had to cut their trips short.

Those were headlines and stories I gleened in two minutes from the web.

This is a disturbing trend that is going to bite us in the butt sooner or later. This is a Cat 1 Hurricane and the Press is making it out to be something like Katrina. The media spreading terror is what it really is....stay tuned to this channel for more.....tell us your story online......Hurricane Chat at

MY god the NRC headline does nothing more than put the thought into the population of the East Coast that we may have a situation like Japan had with the Nuke. Even though that was an earthquake, the Tsunami brought flooding and Irene is bringing flooding....oh my god we need to flee.

Homeland Security's Janet Napolitano should be looking into the major networks/Cable News/Weather Channel/ major papers etc for terrorist activities instead of joining the fray. What does homeland security have to do with warning the population about weather? Maybe Janet needs to issue a warning that there will probably be an earthquake in California in the next few days and "dangerous, people need to take this seriously" This is not a Homeland Security issue. Making a statement like that makes it a Homeland Security issue which in most Americans eyes = terrorism.

Everyone needs to take precautions, Irene is a big storm but folks, no matter what the media is saying the end of the world is not coming on the heels of Irene. After a few of these, who is going to pay attention when the real disaster is coming....when a real Cat 4-5 storm heads for the East Coast!

1 comment:

  1. Geez folks, when we have a hurricane down here in Florida, all the people up North continue life as usual... why do I have to see all this 'Woe is me' stuff? You are right bubba, the masses are once again being led around in little circles by the control freaks and egotistical idiots!
