Monday, September 5, 2011


Summer is gone, this weekend being the official closing ceremonies.  The final parade of participants can be viewed from any interstate overpass. America is on its way home.

Here in North Carolina, if you view the South Bound traffic all you see is Florida Tags!  The mountains are emptying out for a month or so until the color starts to pop in the trees and then the traffic comes again. I like it, its like a gas guzzling tide that floods and ebbs with the seasons.

But What I really want to write about is "Novasense".  My word, you heard it here first, I googled it and there is a boutique firm, a couple of products but nothing close. I wiki'd it as well , nothing so I submitted it.

Novasense -  The ability of a group, people, tribe, nation to be dulled by repetition to a point where the spectacular, the mind wrenching, the evil, the horrendous, morally reprehensible actions of its members no longer peak the interest of its members as it would have in the recent past. I.E. Novasense is spreading in regard to infanticide.

What am I talking about?

We hear on the news of mothers killing their children so often that it no longer peaks our interest.

Andrea Yates drowns her children in a bathtub, Susan Smith drowns her kids in a car. Casey Anthony, I guess she is innocent.

All of these, dull our senses, to where other acts of evil, of savagery, of mental illness dont even register.
So much so that here in tiny Western North Carolina the middle of the "Bible Belt" and "Family Values" the tragedy of a mother who killed her two sons with a hatchet and then tried unsuccessfully to kill herself the same way barely raises an eyebrow. There should have been outrage or at the very least interest, but there was nothing.

Thats Novasense. Deadened interest.

The example of Libya. Our country, through its three letter agencies, basically assisted in the overthrow of a legitimate government of a sovereign nation, overtly not covertly. We committed USAF fighters and shot down Libyan helicopters and fighter aircraft in Libyan airspace over Libyan soil. That is an act of War, it doesn't matter what the reasons are, it is forbidden by US Law. It may be a nation we don't like but that wasn't our business. After Iraq and Afghanistan, where we basically invaded those countries in acts of aggression, who cares about Libya and its people! We are deadened to the issues that 50 years ago would have resulted, and did, with millions marching on Washington. This was an act of war, specifically defined and declared illegal by any number of acts and laws but we can start with the War Powers Resolution. ( Circumvented by no President ever again declaring "War". But read the resolution and you will see what the intent of the American people wanted our leadership to follow.  We got some Facebook traffic, thats about it. We should have been marching again. This was not, is not, what the American PEOPLE want. We are broke and need to cut back everywhere and Libya without the peoples consent is costing us more than a million dollars a day now, much more to follow.  But there is no interest in the issue. Why, its Novasense.

Novasense. To get our attention now, you have to be so far out there that it compels people to listen or you have to have a video.  The story needs to be able to be shared over social media, it needs to be tweeterable. It needs to be bloggable. Everyone wants to be the first to tell all their friends about it otherwise its old news. As I did above with the "Novasense" word

Novasense is the reason for Americas tolerance with breaches in our important issues because we are numbed to them.  This is a hugely, dangerous paradigm. It is getting worse everyday.  "That happens all the time" "They all do that" "We can't do anything about that" "Thats not bad, did you hear about the one in....." " Thats nothing new"  Every time you hear one of these phrases being said it is Novasense spreading, numbing the mind against something important that you should be reacting to making you agreeable to issues you should not be tolerant of.  Express your repulsion, stand for your beliefs and call it evil, or horrendous or depraved..... don't just nod and see who just texted you so you don't have to deal with it.

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